Monday, September 5, 2011

Johnnyy Mazumi

I made dinner! It was johnny mazumi! Apparently I still haven't learned my lesson about getting out all the ingredients before beginning to cook because I forgot to get sour cream this time. Thank goodness for Hillary being at the grocery store when I realized and buying me some. It turned out super good! It's a mix of sour cream, cottage cheese, green onions, tomato sauce, and ground beef. It just ends up being a half-creamy/half-tomato saucey spaghetti. Yum!

Since that was short I'll give you a list of all the kitchen misshaps I've experienced so far:
  1. I spilt half a pot of boiling water on me - I was moving a pot of spaghetti to drain and didn't have a good hold on one half of the pot and ended up dropping it. Don't worry, it didn't hurt!
  2. Had to make an emergency ghetto HEB trip to get baking soda
  3. Set off the smoke detector - twice - but this is because the smoke detector is right above the oven and I think it overheats easily
  4. Today I almost cut off my finger while chopping the green onions, but just cut my fingernail instead. No worries!
  5. I thought I had a lot more than this, but I'll keep you updated on new ones!
That's all for now! 

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