Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Daily Planner

Along with the rest of the world, the New Year has me resolving to be more organized and productive. As part of my resolution, I thought that the next step was to be better about making to-do lists. I used to use the reminder app on my phone, but I often found it overwhelming that I couldn't easily view tasks by day.

Another resolution I have, again, like the rest of the world, is to be healthier. I want to eat healthier, and be more active. I tend to do better if I write everything out, so another to-do list seemed like the best way to follow through with this resolution.

Finally, and most importantly, I resolved to be better about my faith. I want to be better about reading the Bible daily, praying daily, and be more grateful. In the past, I've been using a bible study worksheet I created, but I wanted to incorporate my faith in my daily planner as well.

So, I created a daily planner page to keep track of my to-do list, meals, workouts, prayers, and other goals. I made it 2 to a page with the plan to fold them in half, and keep in a cute mini-binder I bought at Target a few months ago. I did the same with my bible study worksheet, so I keep them all in the same binder.

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