After turning all my shoe box lids into canvases, I was inspired to find other ways to use my millions of shoe boxes that have collected over the past few years. I decided that the Toms box is the perfect size for a bathroom cabinet organizer! I started by cutting the sides of the lid off, and then cutting the lid into pieces the same length as the

Next I duct taped the dividers to the box. Hot glue would probably work better for this, but I didn't have any handy at the time. I then modge-podged scrapbook paper around the edges and filled it with all the things cluttering my bathroom counter top.depth of the box.
Now the counter top is clean and clutter-free! Getting ready in the morning is so much easier now that I don't have to dig through my make-up bag to find my mascara or rummage through the drawers looking for my contact case. I guess Toms did more than give a shoe to a child in need!
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