As nerdy as it sounds, I LOVE making excel spreadsheets. I make them all the time whether it's to keep track of my spending or making bucket lists! I've decided to share my crazy spreadsheets with this blog. The first one is a packing list for apartments or homes!
As summer begins many people are beginning to think about their new apartment/house they are moving into soon. I've re-vamped the spreadsheet my roommates and I used.
This sheet is divided by room and includes many common items. You can share this with your roommates to figure out who's bringing what and what needs to be purchased. The two options for marking your items are choose a color for each roommate and highlight the cell of the items you are bringing with your specific color, or simply type in your name next to the item. Also, you can put how many of each item is needed and little notes such as what color the item is! I hope this helps your move-in run smoothly. :)
To save this sheet click on "File", "Download as", "Excel" to save on your computer and then e-mail the file between roommates
Next, I'm working on updating my dorm room packing list!